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Group Therapy for Depression
Presentation Slides for Introductory Section
About this course: A review of the material to come (14:40)
Documents provided: A discussion of the HUGE number of documents attached to this course (12:42)
USA Students: Here are your documents!
Canadian Students: Here are your documents!
International Students: Here are your documents!
Another resource: The Self Care Depression Program (3:26)
Depression epidemiology, briefly (10:16)
Development and evaluation of the Core Program
Presentation Slides for Development & Evaluation Section
The existing situation in depression care (7:38)
Evaluating the program (19:05)
The dissemination of the program (7:21)
Psychoeducation and setting up your program
Presentation Slides for Psychoeducation Section
Why psychoeducation? (13:41)
Your group: Open or closed, mixed or stratified? (15:40)
Setting the stage for your group: Leaders, clients, sessions, setting (13:00)
Who benefits from this program? (30:11)
Personality disorders and the Core Program (21:25)
Nondiagnostic client characteristics: Age, cognitive function, literacy (10:53)
Intake and assessment (20:11)
The group begins: Introductions and model
Presentation Slides for "Group Begins" Section
Breaking the ice (16:43)
The triangle: Thoughts, actions, feelings (21:47)
The river: Emotional acceptance (13:04)
The $10 million challenge: Making yourself feel worse (16:47)
Goal setting
Presentation Slides for Goal Setting Section
The barriers to behavioral activation (12:33)
Goal setting basics (20:43)
Making Immediate Goals SMART (17:50)
More tips for effective goal setting (11:34)
How to sabotage (11:37)
Goal setting in Session 2 and onward (27:09)
About stress
Presentation Slides for Stress Section
The function of stress (6:52)
The nature of the stress response (14:29)
A model for stress management (10:23)
About depression
Presentation Slides for Depression Section
The symptoms of depression (17:12)
Risk factors for depression (18:04)
Is depression chemical? (11:53)
Lifestyle factors
Presentation Slides for Lifestyle Section
The importance of lifestyle factors (6:52)
Diet (9:38)
Physical activity (19:45)
Sleep (15:01)
Caffeine (6:44)
Drugs and alcohol (2:39)
Having fun (9:56)
Thinking about thinking
Presentation Slides for Thinking Section
The essential cognitive model (10:41)
Can thinking occur outside awareness? (18:27)
The lunch date exercise (15:07)
Cognitive exercises in the participant manual (9:56)
Faulty assumptions (20:23)
Cognitive biases (14:46)
Mood traps (16:46)
Cognitive strategies
Presentation Slides for Cognitive Strategies Section
Awareness (4:03)
Cognitive challenging (12:39)
Worry control strategies (16:43)
Social life enhancement
Presentation Slides for Social Section
The social network (11:52)
Building social circles (23:54)
The support team and social balancing (7:34)
Assertive communication (19:43)
The road ahead: Wrapup and relapse prevention
Presentation Slides for "Road Ahead" Section
The final session (4:56)
The road ahead (5:17)
The stress plan (7:46)
The sign in the road (5:37)
The mood emergency action plan (9:40)
The course wrapup (8:52)
Changeways continues (10:20)
Continuing Education Hours Evaluation
Course Evaluation, Quiz and Response Sheet
Teach online with
A model for stress management
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